October 18 & 19, 2025

133 Mabel Drive
Madisonville, LA 70447
(985) 845-9200

The success of the Wooden Boat Festival is dependent on the help of dedicated participants. Please take this opportunity to sign up and help make the 2025 festival the best. We are grateful for your time and support of the Maritime Museum Louisiana.

Terms and Conditions

As part of your application, if your boat is accepted, you agree:

1) To dock your boat Stern-to, if required, and

2) To allow Docking Committee to reposition your boat along the seawall as necessary. For Docking information call (985) 845-9200.

By registering to participate in the Wooden Boat Festival, Boat Owner grants WBF and/or MML the right to use his/her image, Boat Name, general description and boat image in print, electronic, video, or any other media, including the WBF website, for the purposes of promoting or advertising WBF or MML and their programs, or any other lawful purposes whatsoever. Boat Owner acknowledges that this agreement offers no credit, payment, compensation or royalties.

All applications will be considered for acceptance based on quality, local interest, and timely response. Accepted applicants (vessels) will be notified. Boat owner acknowledges and agrees that the Wooden Boat Festival (WBF) does not guarantee weather conditions for the WBF and shall not be liable for damages of any type suffered by exhibitor due to the partial or complete cancellation of the WBF by the WBF and/or any authority because of inclement weather, including a hurricane, tropical storm, or the immediate threat thereof, or due to any public health or safety hazard or emergency or the threat thereof declared by the WBF or any public body and that all fees paid by boat owner to WBF are nonrefundable.

Boat owner agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Wooden Boat Festival, Maritime Museum Louisiana, Antique & Classic Boat Society Bayou Chapter, and Lake Pontchartrain Sail & Power Squadron for any loss or damage to property or for personal injury or injury that may occur as a result of participation in the Wooden Boat Festival. Boat owner ensures adequate liability insurance policy is in force and boat has current registration.


A limited number of spaces/slots are available for Classic Vessels. Applicant must provide sufficient data and pictures to clearly convince the WBF Boat Committee why the vessel should be considered a classic or classic design. Only One (1) vessel of each classic type/design will be accepted. If more than one vessel application meets the criteria for acceptance, the order for acceptance is at the discretion of the boat committee’s review of the vessel. Priority is given to boats previously featured in the festival.


Judging Maritime Museum Louisiana (985) 845-9200

Contact the Docking Committee when you arrive at the mouth of the Tchefuncte River for docking instructions.

Check in at Madisonville Town Hall - Thursday, October 17th, Friday, October 18th, Saturday, October 19th

Maritime Mania Patron Party - Friday, October 18th
Adults-only (MUST be 21 years or older) Kick-Off Party at the Maritime Museum —Garage Level
Free shuttle transportation between Madisonville Town Hall & Maritime Museum

Judging - Saturday, October 19th
Captains Awards Presentation at Madisonville Town Hall -Sunday, October 20th

• No vehicle may be left unattended on festival grounds at anytime. All vehicles must be registered/recorded with the Docking Committee, registration at Town Hall or MML.
• A Causeway bridge opening REQUIRES 2-hour advance request by VHF Channels 16 or 17, or by phone at (504) 835-3116.
• Ice will be available for purchase at $4.00 for a 20 lb. bag at the Ice Truck behind Town Hall.
• Green space between dock and tents MUST BE KEPT OPEN as a walkway for visitors.
• Chairs, tables, or tents are NOT to be placed there until 6 p.m. on Saturday and 6 p.m. Sunday and must be removed by 10:00 AM Saturday and Sunday!
• No dogs are allowed on festival grounds.
• No other boats will be allowed to tie up to a boat registered with the festival.
• Only museum-provided FOR SALE signs are allowed.